Michael Horbal

That's me, Michael Horbal, an independent licensed insurance agent. I am the owner and founder of RiskQuoter.com. I hate that many people pay too much for insurance because they end up with the wrong insurance company, agent, or both. That's why I started RiskQuoter. We're here to help you get the best insurance rates available.

life insurance 101

Life Insurance 101: Your Complete Guide

Learn the essentials of life insurance, including underwriting, coverage types like term and whole life, and factors affecting rates to make an informed decision.

life insurance needs

How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

Wondering how much life insurance you need? Our guide covers key factors to consider, from income and debts to family goals. Find the right coverage amount to protect your loved ones and ensure financial security.

The Insider’s Guide to Life Insurance Riders

Life insurance riders offer customizable coverage options like accelerated benefits, accidental death, and long-term care, enhancing policies with additional protection for various life events.

heart life insurance

Life Insurance for Heart Patients

Life insurance for heart patients is possible with the right guidance. Learn how insurers evaluate heart conditions, what affects your rates, and tips to improve approval chances.

go fund yourself life insurance

Go “F” Yourself Life Insurance

Don’t rely on GoFundMe for life insurance. Explore the importance of proper coverage, costs, and benefits of life insurance over crowdfunding for final expenses.

HIV life insurance

HIV Life Insurance – Everything You Should Know

Living with HIV? Get the life insurance coverage you need. We’ll compare top companies and find you the best rates. Learn what insurers look for and how to qualify, even with an existing diagnosis.

skin cancer life insurance

Skin Cancer Life Insurance: Everything You Need to Know

Skin cancer affects life insurance eligibility and rates. Non-melanoma cancers often qualify for preferred rates, while melanoma requires detailed underwriting. Learn how type, stage, and recovery impact your options to secure the best coverage.

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