Did you know that nearly all life insurance applications in North America involve the Medical Information Bureau (MIB)? If you’ve applied for coverage, the MIB likely has a file on you!
The MIB is vital to the life insurance process, helping insurers assess risk and detect fraud. While it might sound complex, understanding the MIB and its purpose will make you a more informed consumer.
We’ll explore how the MIB works, the type of information it holds, and how it impacts your life insurance application – including whether it can affect your rates.
What is the Medical Information Bureau?
The Medical Information Bureau (MIB) represents North America’s leading life insurance companies, providing underwriting risk assessment services. The MIB report for life insurance provides carriers with information about an applicant’s risk.
Ready to learn more? Let’s dive into how the MIB impacts your life insurance and what steps you can take to ensure your application goes smoothly.
As more companies move towards accelerated underwriting to eliminate paramed exams, companies will become more reliant on MIB and other related services to screen applicants.
Final Thoughts
When applying for life insurance, the MIB service is a standard part of the process, similar to a paramed exam, prescription history check, or medical record review through services like Human API.
It’s not designed to influence your application positively or negatively. Instead, it serves as a safeguard for life insurance companies, helping them detect fraudulent activity.
If you’ve encountered any issues with MIB, we’re here to help.
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